Warm weather is back!
As much as we love summer weather, warm temperatures and high humidity can put dogs at risk for heatstroke. This condition is no joking matter. It can severely damage your dog’s internal organs and in some cases it can be fatal. At Dove Creek Animal Hospital, we see cases of heatstroke every year.
Heatstroke is a life-threatening condition that occurs when the body’s temperature rises too high and cannot be cooled effectively.
Dogs do not sweat like people do. To cool down, dogs pant and they sweat through their paw pads and nose making the cool down process a bit more challenging for them.
High risk factors:
Short nosed breeds (pugs, bulldogs, etc)
Large heavy-coated breeds
Overweight dogs
Dogs with respiratory or cardiac disorders
Some signs of heatstroke include:
Excessive panting
Ways to prevent heatstroke:
Never leave your dog in a parked car alone
Limit exercise on hot days
Provide ample shade and fresh drinking water
During days with extreme heat, walk your dog in the early morning and late evenings
If you feel your pet has heatstroke, seek veterinary care immediately.
Keep your dog safe this summer! For more information, give us a call at (518) 627-9762 or message us online!